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Where My Mother Came From

How many times I wonder did my mother ask herself over the years "Why did nobody want her when she she was a baby?" She had being fostered but for a couple of years she had lived in a hospital because there was no where else to put her. She did get fostered into a family and had a lovely childhood. She married and went on to have 7 children but one died at birth. I am her oldest daughter and when I started working for a family research centre, I traced to where her family came from. She still had two aunts and two uncles living in the old family home, her birth mother had died about 10 years before that. My parents went to visit them and everything went well until about a week later when one of the men rang and told my mother that they did not know about her and did not want her contacting them again. My mother was in tears as she thought she could finally say she knew where she came from and that some of her kids took from her side of the family. But that dream was squashed in a matter of minutes. Some years went by and another woman who was fostered along with my mother found her mother and brother and went on to find the son she had given up as a baby. This got to my mother so I started looking again for her family to see if she had half brothers or sisters. This I was successful at, she has 4 brothers and 1 sister. She is in contact with them alot and getting to know them, they did not know anything about her. But I think that this is the happy ending that my mother has being looking for for a long time.

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- Good-bye And Keep Cold

- When A Mother Don''t Show Love To Her Children Or Others

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- Sometimes You Die

- Self Esteem

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