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E- Innovation
(Bob Cotton)


How do you create a successful new product? Innovation is the ongoing creative response to a dynamically changing marketing place.

E-innovation is an organization wise strategic planning for change and the first stage involves creating the conditions, structures and processes to facilitate a culture of innovation.

Tooling up for opportunity

Building a culture of awareness to possibilities and opportunities can be facilitated intensifying the process. ? process preparing awareness culture, organizational flattening and devolution, bottom up and edge in dialogue, process development, strategic planning, portfolio planning and championing.

Opportunity Scoping

The objective here is to build a dynamic map of opportunity space ? a big picture of emerging trends ?which can help identify potential synergies, discontinuities, hybrids, gaps or other opportunity spaces for your business..

A useful criterion here is being able to identify technologies and trends in their early maturity space.

Opportunity Identification

The opportunity identification stage involves ruthless comparison of potential opportunities, by taking a closer look at the candidates and examining their technological, operational and financial feasibility for further development.

The opportunities identified in the scooping phase and rated as to their feasibility ? the seize of the potential market, the strength of other players in this market, the investment required to productivize, the time to market and the implication for your strategic business development.

Concept Statement

The objective here is to prepare a comprehensive concept statement document for the proposed projects. It includes concept statement, bench marking, product definition, process planning technology, capacity planning, market conditions, business case, feasibility activity, flow chart, event map and critical path scheduling.

The first aim of the development team will be to produce as rapidly as possible a working prototype of the project.

With 3D Graphic and Animation, a product idea can be visualized and ?materialized ? without the tooling ? up required for a physical prototype.

Initial Testing

In working prototype model, the proposed project and then the initial testing phase can provide valuable feed back.

Product Development

The product development process may itself be subject to a stage ? gate process as well as a regular quality assurance and user testing and current work in progress may be made available to technology partners and lead customers throughout the development process.

Trail Implementation

The aim here is to course a smooth launch and roll out.

Full Commercialization and Creative Marketing

This is the product launch and roll out and involves the coordination of several inter related activities including production process, marketing, packaging, distribution, support systems, secure transaction mechanisms, fulfillment mechanisms, order tracking and the like.

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