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(Omar Luna)

I arose from the bed. Where was I, I thought to myself?
I saw myself lying down. My brothers and sisters were
all there crying. What''s going on here? Is this some kind of joke?
I couldn''t remember what had happened. Slowly, I got flashbacks of
what happened earlier. I could remember going to the movies
with some of my pals. I walked into my house thinking, as usual,
everyone would be home. As I walked in, I got the strangest feeling.
You know the feeling people get when they know something is wrong.
I could barely see because all of the lights were turned off.
Walking towards a light switch I felt as if someone were watching me.
Ignoring the feeling, I flipped up the light switch. The lights
flickered in an unusual way. They failed to stay on, so I went into
the basement to check if the breaker was working.I never really
liked that basement, No one ever did. I open the door and
it was pitch black. Searching for my lighter in my pocket,
I hear something moving. I turn on the lighter and head down the
stairs. "Damn it!" I burned myself and dropped it under the stairs.
I tried my best to go down safely. Something grabbed my foot and
I fell tumbling down the stairs. I woke up thirty minutes later,
I guess I was knocked out by the fall. My hands were dark red.
There was blood coming from my head. Everything got blurry after that.
I couldn''t think straight and not knowing what I came down here for,
I went up the stairs. It started to rain, and I could hear thunder.
I went into my house and got a towel because of how wet I got.
I walked into my parents room to check if they were asleep or anything.
The bed was stained with blood! Did someone murder my parents?
I went for the phone, but it was dead. As I turned around, someone
hit me on my face with something really hard. Was the person who
hit me, the killer of my own parents, and now of me, as well?
I couldn''t believe what had happened. I just walked away from
my cryingbrothers and sisters, knowing I was going to a better place.

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