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Absolutely Normal Chaos *
(Sharon Creech)

Absolutely normal chaos is probably one of all-time favourite books. It's about a regular girl, Mary Lou Finney, 13, who lives in a house with her three brothers and her sister. Needless to say, there is never a moment of peace, and her summer seems to be becoming as boring as ever. Yet, her luck seems to turn, and we are told about her wonderfully exciting summer in a journal that she is told to write for school. Mary Lou's wit is sharp and her outlook is amusing and honest. At the end of this book, we felt like Mary Louwas real, and we cared about her. The reason we liked this book so much was because we can relate to how the character feels and what she goes through. First of all, she thinks her summer is going to be ruined when she finds out her cousin, Carl Ray is coming to live with her family, but her thoughts soon change. That's the one reason why we really like this story. It will talk about some major and hilarious conflict in Mary Lou's life, and then you just don't want to put down the book. You want to keep reading to find out the next scene. For example when her father got in the accident, and he went to the hospital,Mary Lou was angry with him at the time. The story's purpose is to make people laugh, and believe me it sure does. Mary Lou's sisters annoy her; they are always getting in her make up, business, and her journal. So then Mary Lous creams, and her mother yells because Mary's yelling. As funny and suspenseful, as it is, there is this one part about this story that we don't care for. It was the ending. Endings are supposed to be the wrap up for the story. They're not supposed to be the next page in the book You want to keep reading to find out the next scene. For example when her father got in the accident, and he went to the hospital, Mary Lou was angry with him at the time. Mary Lou's sisters annoy her; they are always getting in her make up, business, and her journal. It was the ending. Endings are supposed to be the wrap up for thestory. They're not supposed to be the next page in the book.Will she fall in love? She has been assigned a job for the summer: Mary Lou has to write in a journal for the entire summer.

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