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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

The Da Vinci Code is anon-conformist and a rather provocative book. It challenges the reader andmakes him stand up to defend his or her faith as best as he or she could. That?sabout those who have some faith, and for those who are believers but are quiteready to question no matter how inviolable they hold their faiths to be, thereare rather difficult questions. It can make a believer ask questions. Since itis a work of fiction and does not claim to be factually accurate or historicalby any means, it is rather easy for the reader to brush its claim about themarriage of Jesus Christ and his lineage. Nomatter how controversial the book be, the fact remains that it is indeed a verywell written book. Dan Brown, who is best knows for this book, has doneremarkable job of weaving story around religion, its practices and thepossibility of there being a secret. Doubtlessly the truth behind the book israther questionable, but what is not is its writer?s ability. However, that?sthe best Dan Brown has come up with and seems to be tied down now. Hope give ussomething better later in the day.

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