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Why Are You Speaking With A Woman?
(Jose Maniparampil)

The book, "Why are you speaking with a woman?" is a study on Jesus' mission in Samaria with special reference to the gospel of St John 4:31-38 and its synoptic parallels in the wider structure of the fourth Gospel. Since the book goes into technical issues of the gospels, especially of St John, this is not meant for the common reader, but for a biblical scholar.

The central theme of the book is this: On the surface the gospel of John is about Jesus; but on a deeper level, the gospel reveals the the gospel reflects the story of a Christian community - the anguish and problems they faced with other Christian communities. A thoroughgoing investigation of the gospel of John demonstrates the paradigmatic shift from the history of ideas toward the life of the community as an interpretetive category. The fourth gospel is no longer treated simply as a historical artifact but as a witness to thel ife and faith of a developing and struggling community. The fourth gospel presents the church with a familiar tension between the corporate and the individual. The individualistic note is clearly sounded, but the Twelve are present throughout as the new and unified community. It is more than this. It presents also the different Churches in dialectical relation. The unnamed beloved desciple and the named disciples are presented as the respresentatives of each movement within the new and unified Jesus movement.

The author has proved his through knowledge andunderstanding of the structure of the fourth gospel. His exegetical skill has made his work interesting, informative and erudite, and his book will help the reader to understand the depth of the foruth gospel. However, the book written in very technical terms, it cannot be approached by a lay reader. This ia a research work and is meant for those who have a good knowledge of the intricacies of the Christian scriptures. The title of the book is also misleading.

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