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The Wives Of Henry Viii
(Antonia Fraser)

Antonia Fraser?s The Wives of Henry VIII ranks as a first-rate telling of the life stories of the six women who were married to the English king. Not only does Fraser provide abundant basic details about each woman, she also provides information about the times in which they were living. The presentation of such context material contributes to a reader?s appreciation of the circumstances of each marriage and how it fared.

While most readers are already familiar with the general outline of each wife?s life story, Fraser develops each one thoroughly, bringing to light facts and circumstances which are little known or appreciated. Among some of the most fascinating are the following:

Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of two prominent monarchs of the time?Ferdinand and Isabella?grew up in an environment which prepared her to rule one day. As an engaged young woman sent to marry a future English king, she arrived on British shores without being able to speak any English (and never became fluent in the language)!

Anna of Cleves preferred to live in England after her marriage to Henry ended, rather than return home. She was the last of Henry?s six wives to die.

Katherine Howard had virtually no formal education and was effectively illiterate.

Catherine Parr loved someone else and did not want to marry Henry at all. Following his death, she did marry someone else and had a child with him. But she died a short time afterwards from an infection resulting from the childbirth.

Another aspect of the marriages upon which Fraser focuses attention is the extent to which the families of the brides benefited from the marriage. Henry bestowed upon them (1) new titles, (2) castles and other real estate, and (3) other materials goods. Thus, they were eager to see their relative become Henry?s queen. All the behind-the-scenes maneuvering they did to enhance the prospects of their relative come under the microscope in Fraser?s riveting telling of Henry and his brides.

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