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Someone Needs You!

have you ever felt like nothing or worthless? You can answer no, but many others already had they low self-steem day. Those are the days qhen we look around and do not can see anything in what we can be good. But there´s allways someone who needs you.
There are quiet people who need someone to talk to. There are sad people who need someone to comfort them. There are shy people who need someone to help them winning shyness. There are lonely people who needs someone to speak with. There are scared people who need a hand. There are strong people who need someone to guide them on using their strenght. There are skilled people who need someone to show them where to use their skills. There are people who judge do not know how to do things and need someone to show them how good they are. There are hurried people who need someone who show them all that is timeless. There are impulsive people who need someone to show them how to respect others.

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