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I Cosay Gives Vinci (el Codigo Da Vinci)
(Brown, Dan)

The trepidante narration that is let glimpse at first does
not take step but to a set of myths, rites and legend that
a great representation of multiple and possible (and even
problables) branches of the past sustains. Their
indifferent style with the reality and the fiction leaves
regusto pleasant although in the end it becomes bitter.
Its development is impeccable to be to best-seller takes
advantage of the present subjects and it reflects with
talent looking for that something that all we want to
encortrar and that they never tell us, but their
foreseeable end in spite of his very entretejidos arguments
makes me think that the author consumed all the energy to l
beginning and that its air line of reasoning when gliding
history was truncated at some moment. Interesting for
trips, conventions and free time in general, it can who we
finish hooked to historical or even teologicas novels and
that if all with a touch I criticize to certain superior

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- El Codigo Da Vinci

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