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Idea Of The Creator

A merchant was living in a small village. He used to travel village by village and sold things to the people and earned a lot of money. He was never satisfied with his way of life. He always cursed himself for the reasons known to him only. He used to think many things and wondered about them.
One day, while he was traveling, he was tired. He put all his business materials in a bag and kept it under a banian tree. He had his food. He wanted to have some rest. He laid down under the tree and stared top of the tree. The banian fruits were very beautiful. The thought about the mind of the creator. He thought that 'God has sone a mistake by giving such a small fruit to such a big tree.' He thought that it could with stand by the weight of the big fruits. But istead the God has created like this. He further felt it would have been better to have bigger fruits instead the small fruits. He started to wonder why the God had done like that? After a while, a fruit from that tree fell on his nose and it was such painful for him that he could not tolorate it. Then he realized that it is perfect combination of that very tall tree and the small fruit. He said, 'I was not able to tolorate of the falling of such a small fruit. What would have happened to me, had it been a bigger fruit. Then he started to realize the ideas of the creator.

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