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(Anthony Horowitz)

When Alex?s uncle died with an array of bullets. After school he goes to the car dump and sees holes in the glass then two men come, Alex goes in his uncle?s car and then the crusher sieges the car Alex just escapes through the boot.

Alex finds out his uncle is a spy for MI6 not a bank manager. Then they send him to Sayle enter prizes to be a spy and test out a new computer called Stormbreaker, it is a teacher really. Then one day he goes out for a walk; tractors try to mow him down but with a lot of running he lead them into a bar wire.

Alex goes to a library and finds out that his uncle was once there and looking for books called viruses. Alex Doesn?t know what type of virus. Then he goes to the post office but does not find any information.

Alex gets back to Sayle enter prises and explores the place. Then he finds a tunnel and explores it. When he sees water and thinks it?s all over when he sees a swimsuit. He is underwater for two minutes before reaching the surface. He went through the door and saw trillion?s of computers all with bomb?s [or tubes] and why where they doing this? Then he heard an alarm and ran. Alex had a long chase and then got to Sayle enter prizes.

Alex was handcuffed wile listening to why Sayle was doing this. Once the prime minister hit?s a button in one-hour time all the computers will start killing children and they leave Alex handcuffed.
Alex is in a bucket with a jellyfish. Alex has used a gadget [that MI6 have given him] and suddenly everything burst; then he runs out of Sayle enter prizes and has threatened a servant to fly him to where Sayle is when Alex parachutes in. When Alex looks round he sees the prime minister has his hand touching the button. Is Alex in time to save England?

Resumos Relacionados

- Eagle Strike

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- Stormbreaker

- Stormbreaker (stormbreaker)

- Stormbreaker

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