Personality Puzzle
Ever wondered why you behave the way you do? Do you need to understand yourself and the people around you? Well, this book explains how people are wired differently and why they behave in a certain way. Though it is focused on helping people understand each other at the work place, it is applicable generally in everyday life. It expounds on two major groupings of personality which are extroverts and introverts. Under extroverts we have two subgroups; sanguines and cholerics. Introverts are melancholic and phlegmatic. Sanguines are outgoing and like to be the centre of attention which explains why they wear flowery clothes in loud colors. They talk a lot and have many friends. They can''t stand being alone. Some of their weaknesses include that they are careless, unreliable and not neat. cholerics are born leaders. They like to take charge of situations as they like to be in control. They are highly self motivated and results oriented. While sanguines have lots of friends for social purposes, cholerics like to use people to meet their own goals. They are also insensitive and arrogant. Melancholics are perfectionists. They are neat and tidy and pay attention to detail. They like to take time to think things over and plan before making a decision. On the other hand, most are pessimists, are difficult to please and don?t respond well to pressure. They dress in cool colors and are usually smart. Phlegmatics is the group that is usually overlooked. They are part of the background so don?t easily get noticed. They are calm, cool collected and witty. They won?t wear anything that will attract attention to them and like to work behind the scenes. Their weaknesses include indecisiveness, unassertive, lazy and procrastinators. The book gives various case studies of famous people and their personality type. Also, how to fashion advertisements to capture a particular personality type. Sanguines respond well to activity filled events especially if there is mention of fun. Melancholics are attracted to serious in-depth, sensitive advertisements that allow them time to reflect on their lives. Cholerics go for ads that have powerful sporty words that promise to make them win or be in charge. Phlegmatics are in for anything that is easy to use, ordinary and not fancy. Most people have a combination of two personalities. For example phlegmatic and melancholic, choleric and melancholic et cetera. The tendency is to have one dominant personality or well balanced on a fifty-fifty scale. To find out which profession suits you, first find out your personality. For example a phlegmatic and marketing is like water and oil whereas sanguines do well in marketing. Phlegmatics like professions that are predictable, have a routine and give them time to be alone like accounting. Melancholics flourish in careers that require attention to the nitty gritties as they are careful like surgeons. Put cholerics in a leadership position and they?ll always get the job done. Learn how to handle people playing into their strengths. To be able to improve your sales to different people tailor your sales pitch according to their personality which you can identify by observing their clothes and manner of speech. Sanguines like current stuff, colorful and fun things. Melanchlolics like to look products over carefully. Cholerics like to see the practicality of the product and its usefulness over style. Talk calmly to phlegmatics and show respect. Towards the end of the book there is a personality profile for the reader to take in order to determine which of the four categories they fall in.
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