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This Is To My Only Love "gwen"
(abdellah ait el kadi)

I respire the perfume of your warm body. You kiss me and you see a shining smile on my face, that is lightened by a special light, the light that your light blue eyes give me. The elixir of your mouth, when love extends and covers my face little by little, fills my heart forever with sweetness and towards you my desires go without fear. I love to see your being and your soul. When your body sets on fire in mine. And drink your breath like a gift from life. Like this we are reunited in perfect harmony. Then, when the voluptouos night enters into the skies, you will sleep peacefully in the shadow of my breast, I will put an eternal and silent goodbye kiss on the lips of your divine sleep. To Gwen I would sing heavenly music, only to Gwen, my heart of my life. My beautiful love, open arms to the dreams, you know the map to my heart, the games that you have and the light of your soul, that together we can''t guess in the silence, the eyes that say we have to cross barefoot, in secret a long road, to listen to the ear like a shell in the land of her blue love in the octave you are c, for m,y only love Gwen

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