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Next, Not A Good Book
(Michael Crichton)

One of the latest books I have
readen was NEXT by Michael Crichton. This book is sold as a novel, but
the author's intentios was to write some kind of research-like book. In
my opinion, althought a great research has been made before starting to
write, the material is not used properly in the book.

This book consists in three main stories involving different
charcateres and sharing one main topic "Genetic manipulation". The
stories are "almost" conected in the book. Nevertheless as I (as a
reader) went thorught the book I did realized the stories never came to
a common final. At the final of the book, when its reading was 
over, just one question remained in my head, "What really has happened
trought this book?". The only answer I could give to myself was:
NOTHING". This was a surpring conclusion as the book is plenty of good
ideas. In my opinion all of the could have been used in order to build
a fantastic novel, or at least to give this novel a good end. Thinking
more carefully about the reading I noticed one trial in order to do
this, two of the stories were connected in the final five pages.

I have readen almos all books from this author, some in Spanish and
some of them in English. Several of them are fantastic ones but I hve
to say this is not the case. I want to finish my comment on the book
asking Mr.Crichton to write better books. I think he is a wonderfull
writter, but this time the book wasn't a good one.


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