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Writing The Romance Novel
(Leigh Michaels)

Writing The Romance Novel is a great book for any aspiring romance writers who want practical advice from someone whose been there and done that. Leigh Micheals is the author of overseventy contemporary novels that have been translated into more than twenty languages in one hundred--twenty countries, and she's handing out advice that can't be missed.

Of the other how--to romance books I've read, what makes this one different is, for a start, the fact that it was issued as a text book to students at the Niagara College, but since not everyone will be taking a class with this book under their arms, the other good points to mention would be the easy to understand simplicity. Everything is wrapped up in a nice and neat little package, starting with the history of romance novels, and the usual question of "is there a formula?" The answer being no.

The book covers everything from beginning, middle, to end, and even character development, plot, dialogue,including a spot for story--showing. Some people prefer to have whole books covering anyone of these single issues, but since I don't have the money to run out andbuy the ten or so books it would take for that, I'll just save a little money and keep Writing The Romance Novel on my shelf.

Despite that challenge, Michaels manages to make the most of the pages on which she has written, everything is as clear and helpful as it should be. After reading through Writing The Romance Novel I realized the many weak spots littering my manuscript and am going through the process of correcting and strengthening my scenes, dialogue, and plot.

Michaels finishes the book off with real examples, from books she has written and published, of query letters, cover letters, the dreaded synopsis, what each of these will and will not have, and the importance of spelling, double--spacing,and font. My favorite part of the book is the Top Eleven Ways Not To Finish Your Book, and I frequently find myself flipping through it just to remind myself that I don't need to write only when the inspiration hits.

I was so impressed with the book that I ordered Michaels next book on strengthening romance, Creating Romantic Characters, and I can't wait to see what lies within its pages.

Thank you Leigh Michaels for writing this book. My manuscript salutes you.

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