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The Magical Wand

Once upon a time in a small village lived a family.there were eight or them father and six sons and a girl.every one of them were tallented in any one aspects except one the sixth one the young brother.so its always a strugle for him to keep up with the family.he always want to do well but the lack of confident shown in him and others think him a idiot,so he never tries to shows his capability.but he got a special think to point at that is his soul., he is a lovable person he helps everyone with what he can.the sister wants him to be the best but his lack of confidence let him down.One day the family went for a vacation.there that sister is very keen to improve her brothers confident so she plans to do something which could give streangth to his brother natuarly.first she decided to take him alone with her leaving rest of the family in the hotel. there she told a story of a fake king. she told him that there was a king living and ruling most of the world was born here. he asked what so special about that and she replied that the king is also just like you .he asked what means like me,she answered that he lacks confidence and frightned of doing any thing. he asked then how could he just ruled most of the world, now she made eager to know, she said that there was a magician in that kingdom made him strong physically and mentally.
she expected him to laugh at her but he really believed the story. he said if i get the wand i will make myself mentally strong to do whatever good i want to do. she said history says that the king wants nobody under his kingdom suffers lack of confident what he believes the worst diesease.he asked her so what did he did she replied she shown him a statue of a king and said him that the magical wand is made into the statue, so anyone who comes near it and asks for confidence it give lots of them. he questioned her will it make me good in confidence she said make a try history says that way why dont we just make a try. he also made the wish.then they got back to hotel. after the vaccation the family returned village.

There he seems to work with a bit confidence what ever he does he believed that he is doing it right, he even lacked that much of a confidence. after some days his father was very happy to see him one of the best with his brother. he thanked his sister for the help she did. sister reavels him the seacret she said that brother their is no such king or magical wand. there is northing magic can do its all in mind i believed that this could help you sort your problem thats why i said this story to you now see you are the best i always know you got the best in you but you always frightned to expose due to the lack of confident. now it all happened only because you got your confident by the wand but its all your mind got your confident back. he thanked her and said who sais there is no magical thing you are my magical wand you made it possible for me.Moral: Only your confidence can make you what you want to be not any magic.

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