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Albert Meyer Lives9 The Other Side Of The Wall
(G. H. Mills)

Lurking behind the walls lay evil with its cunning ways. Does Albert have the ablilty to keep his focus? On the other side of the wall Albert talks with his long lasting friend Amsterdam. "Hello Albert, what bring you to my world? Amsterdam I need to know what the Keeper think about humans, if we can keep sin and evil from compounding what's bad. The forest set with teaming life, an assortment of flowers giving bees what they need Amsterdam replied. "Albert that is something we can't answer but if you wait, you will find your answer. Before Albert could continue Amsterdam vanished from sight leaving a sense of wonderment. Moment later an old man with a walking stick covered Albert's trail. "Hello Albert for you have come to seek answers? Albert looked at him without answering, just looking at the old man he could see years of travel in him. "Did Amsterdam send you? "Oh young Albert that is a question for him don't you think. "I'm leaving to meet my kind, do you want to come? Albert thought for a while the promise, yes please. The two walked through the forest while the Elf's slept but eyes continued watching.

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