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A Story Of The Wyrld
(Susan Smeltz)

A Story of the Wyrld by Susan SmeltzHere is a story about overcoming great odds. It is one well told. There is much imagery in the writing; readers are brought into the action of the story and the minds of the characters. The story takes place on what is called The Wyrld by its people. The book begins with a mythology and history. This sets the scene and tone of the rest of the book; it also explains why the various races of people on the Wyrld do not live in full knowledge of each other. Suspicion and fear had long ago caused a separation of the different types of people.Wyche is what?s called a Wise One; special people who are healers or work the Craft for others. She lives with her husband and children in her family home presided over by her mother, an old woman, also a Wise One. Wyche?s young son Karl begins to see that his destiny lies in following his mother into the Craft. All is well at first, but troubles arise. The people are farmers?their crops seem to be failing. There is either too much or too little rain. Droughts come; insects or foraging animals destroy much of what is left. It is discovered that other villages, even those far away are faring the same. Things are worse to the east. There come rumors of men driven to steal from still-prospering people. The rumors include destruction and murder. All is made more terrible because the thieving men are led by man who becomes the embodiment of all that is evil in the Wyrld. Elves had long hidden themselves from the Humans. Scarce few of them feel they should go to the assistance of the Wise Ones that have the courage to stand up and use their skills to fight against the evil from the east. E-Lan is one of these; only she and her student, E-Tel wish to join a ritual that they believe will save the Wyrld. E-Lan pleads with the Elves, but to no avail. Only the two of them set out in the darkness to find the Human women.Wyche, three of her friends, and her mother are the only Wise Ones who take action. The others doom them to failure and hide in fear. Wyche?s husband and son brave the darkness also, persuading the villagers to make a stand. Karl convinces them to refuse to be afraid and simply allow the power of evil to overtake them. Human Wise Ones and Elves are joined by tiny fairies and creatures made of the matter and forces that make up the Wyrld on a dark night that is rank with the horror of an immense enemy as Karl, his father, and the villagers stand in a black wind, doing what they consider their portion of what their Wise Ones are intent on accomplishing.This is a tale of friendship, brotherhood, and overcoming obstacles through joining together. A Story of the Wyrld, ISBN 1-4208-4195-5, can be ordered at www.authorhouse.com or by calling 1-888-280-7715.

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