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The Alchemist
(Paolo Cohelo)

The Alchemist is an amazing book full of adventure, romance, and finding yourself. A boy named Santiago- a shepard- is destined for greatness from the begining. He first has a dream of a child playing with his sheep, then transporting him to Egypt. The child is about to reveal the location of Santiago's treasure when Santiago wakes up. Since the dream reaccures, Santiago sees a gypsy dream interpertator. From there, Santiago meetsthe King of Salem, who gives Santiago Urim and Thumimum, majic stones that read the omens. The king inspires Santiago to journey to the Pyramids, which he does. When Santiago arrives in Tarifa, Africa, he gets his money stolen from a "friend" causing him to work at a crystal shop. While at the crystal shop, Santiago learns two languages: Arabic and the Language of the World. Santiago earns enough money to travel with a caravan to Egypt. While traveling, Santiago encounters an Englishman who first introduces the word "Alchemist" with Santiago. The Englishman teaches Santiago many important lessons on alchemy and alchemists. Tribal warfare causes Santiago and the caravan to find shelter at the oasis. Santiago then meets the love of his life... Fatima. Santiago has a vision of invaders on the oasis, so he reports it to the tribal chieftains. Santiago becomes a rich man when his vision of attack comes true, and the oasis is prepared. Santiago meets the alchemist, who decides to take Santiago once again on his journey to the pyramids. Santiago and the alchemist are captured by a tribe, and must turn himself into the wind to save himself and the alchemist. After listening to his heart, he turns himself into the wind, goes to the pyramids, and finds his treasure... just not in Egypt. Santiago finds his treasure in the place where he first started.
Santiago learns that the treasure isn't as important as the journey along the way.

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- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

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