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The Diary Of Anna Frank
(??? ????)

the story is told about anna frank it looked like a very larghe space of years were separating between her life and her that sunday morning what everything had changed for her and for the rest of her family. from a regular girl who visits in schools and itrested in studying and gossip like all the girls in her age, anna becoming to agirl who her life are standing on a danger and she had to live in an hiding place, in crwding, quietly and with a feer from her hunters. anna frank was a jewish girl who lived in amsterdam in the period of the second world war and this book is the diary she had written in her hide place until she and her family were discovered by the nazis. in that sunday morning family frank members went out for their hiding place. anna and her sister margot packed in their bag school only the things that were most needed.they weared many statums of underwears. clothes, coats, and shoes. there weren't allowed to see on them that they were escaping from their home. in an hard rain, riding on their bicycles the family succeed, arrive without paying any attention to their hiding place for the next two years. in a building that was used as a packing house, when only the library seperates from the outside wrold and the families who is hiding, anna frank is writing her diary.she writes it as a letters to her imaginary friend kitty and expose in an open heart her story in the hiding aprtment.the partners to the apartment are the family memebrs of van fals and priz fefer, that anna calls him albert diezel.even though it looked like that anything can't happened in such a closed apartment this is not true, because anna invert in her diary every simple event and dayly. she describes the complicated relationship inside her family, the relationship that hides in the apartment and her relation with peter. and adolescent like her. between the lines the hard reality discovered of the hard life in the period of the holocaust of europe jews like anna understands it.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


